Youtube is one of the most frequently visited sites on the web. It is a huge target for marketing of many major companies. Most of the ads before videos on youtube have a skip button which you can press after about five seconds, and you can also download ad blocking programs onto your computer so you don;t have to see them at all. My question is, is it worth it for companies to invest their time and money into these advertisements before videos? When they can usually be skipped or even blocked.
Most of the time when people watch videos they skip the advertisements that pop up as soon as possible, most of the time the name of the company or product being advertised isn't even seen. I don't think it's worth companies money or time to advertise in this way, I think the money put into these ads would be better used in other advertising avenues. What do you think? Are these ads before youtube videos worth the time and money invested by companies?
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